Friday, April 20, 2012

(press release) Calvert Library Customer Survey



Contact:  Robyn Truslow



Every other year, Calvert Library conducts a customer survey.  This puts responders in the great position of playing an important role in determining how the library serves our community.  The library is committed to meeting the imagination, information and inspiration needs of the citizens of Calvert County.  Please completely answer the seven-to-ten minute survey.

The survey will be offered online so even for those with busy lives, it is easy to have your voice heard.  Visit the library home page,, and click on the big "Yes" in the bottom left-hand feature block.   By sharing a few minutes of your time, you can provide valuable information that will help the staff create a library that meets your needs.


In the past, information from customer surveys has encouraged the library to add computers, provide computer training, increase the audiobook collection, add infant storytime and Saturday storytime, and continue to make available a wide variety of books and audio-visual materials. More recently, Calvert Library has updated the catalog to have features that customers asked for on the survey like being able to save their login, keep a list of books they have read, conduct a more google-like search, and be able to request holds from a list of books.  The many positive comments about library staff have influenced the library to maintain a focus on training so that Calvert Library has knowledgeable staff that provide excellent customer service.  The 2010 survey included many responses from Southern customers about the need for a larger location and that need should be met within the year.  A more recent survey of Southern customers specifically has resulted in a design that includes more computers, a “light, airy” design, a children’s play area, comfortable seating, and more.   Calvert Library has also recently added email notification for items due back to the library soon.


The library values its customers and strives for excellence in customer service.  Please take the time to tell them what you think.  For more information, call the Calvert Library Prince Frederick at 410-535-0291 or 301-855-1862. 





Robyn Truslow

Public Relations Coordinator

Calvert Library

850 Costley Way

Prince Frederick, MD  20678

phone:  410-535-0291 or 301-855-1862

fax:  410-535-3022

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